Good communication is critical to succeeding personally and professionally

To improve our communication skills, we must understand that our way of working and interacting is just our preference.
Understanding that everyone interacts differently is the first step in your communication and collaboration journey. 

You can become effective with people by adapting your communication in ways that resonate most with your audience.
Furthermore, understanding yourself can also help you to find roles that suit your natural strengths.
Only then can you unlock the full potential of cognitive diversity with your teams, clients, and friends.

At FindingBlue, our framework is primarily based on the theory of personality type using Cognitive Functions by Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology. 

Isabel Briggs Myers, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) creator, extended and popularized his work. 

This research has been recently extended by John Beebe’s Cognitive Stack and Linda Berens’ Essential Motivator & Interaction Style frameworks.

In our training, we combine the above frameworks. You will discover your preferences while learning about the preferences of others. 

We make the framework tangible with practical examples, shared experiences, and self-reflection exercises. 

After the training, you will have a toolset that can be used for day-to-day collaboration and self-improvement

After our training, you are able to:

The following four parts are recommended as a whole; each session builds upon the previous. 

Each part lasts about 4 hours.
For a detailed overview or questions, please feel free to reach out.


Interactions & Motivations

Find your own preferred communication style and learn how to communicate in a way that resonates with others.

Learn to understand and appreciate the difference in working styles between yourself and others.

Discover your core motivators and those of others.


Cognitive Dynamics

Uncover the foundational cognitive functions that shape your perspective and determine which resonates with you most.

Learn how these functions influence how you interpret the world around you, act based on them, make decisions, and impact your interactions with others.


Integration & Collaboration 

Learn how every cognitive function is helpful in problem-solving and how to utilize them for better collaboration with others.  Uncover your natural learning curve.

Connect your cognitive functions with your interaction style and motivator pattern to gain a more holistic picture of who you are and how you operate in the world.


Cognitive Biases

Understand how your personality can influence your perceptions and biases

Understand how these factors can contribute to conflicts and misunderstandings. Learn strategies for recognizing and managing your biases and effectively communicating with individuals from different perspectives.